Foundr Driver

  1. Foundr – ecommerce masters 2020 5 different instructors. 5 different ecommerce super powers. Just one is enough to scale any store! 5x behind-the-scenes strategies from the world’s fastest-growing ecommerce brands. “the 5 core-driver method for scaling to 7 figures”.
  2. This remarkable resume belongs to the team of instructors inside Ecommerce Masters! For the first-time in Foundr history, 5 world-class entrepreneurs have teamed up to reveal their brand new “5 Core-Driver Method” for how they grew their online stores to 7-figures! JUST ONE TACTIC IS ENOUGH TO SCALE ANY STORE TO THE NEXT LEVEL.
  1. Found Driver
  2. Found Drivers License What To Do
  3. Foundry Drive
  4. Found Driver's License California
  5. Foundry Drivers Ed
  6. Foundry Drivers License Center

Plug & play a new device into your Windows PC and it will find and install the right driver for it. This happens most of the time but then there are always exceptions when Windows fails to find the right driver for devices made by even the most popular manufacturers.

In Episode #302 Nathan interviews Nathan Chan, founder of Foundr magazine. Nathan’s a master of Instagram who generates around 400 leads a day from the channel. He’s rocketed the Foundr app to the top of the app store, beating out Entrepreneur magazine and other competitors. Listen in as the two Nathans discuss building an unbeatable list, tips to win at Instagram, and whether Nathan would sell his business for $30 million today.

Famous 5:

  • Favorite Book? – Ready, Fire, Aim
  • What CEO do you follow? — Vishan Lakhiani
  • Favourite online tool? —SamCart
  • Do you get 8 hours of sleep?— No
  • If you could let your 20 year old self know one thing, what would it be?—Party more

Time Stamped Show Notes:

Found Driver

  • 01:10 – Nathan’s introduction
  • 01:45 – Welcoming Nathan to the show
  • 02:30 – Nathan’s already been featured on the show
  • 03:10 – Instagram is probably the most valuable revenue driver that Foundr have
  • 03:20 – Their account has around 700k followers
  • 03:40 – Instagram account has generated around 150k email subscribers
  • 05:25 – A VA generates the graphics: they recycle images from 6 months ago
  • 06:20 – Use a tool called Latergram to queue posts
  • 07:04 – The purpose of the Instagram account is to drive traffic and generate leads
  • 07:30 – Capture around 300-400 leads each day from Instagram
  • 08:55 – Nathan teaches an Instagram course
  • 09:25 – The most lucrative funnel appears to be posting about Instagram on Instagram
  • 09:50 – Nathan runs a live webinar every week
  • 10:40 – 3 main revenue streams are from the online magazine; ebooks; and a membership site
  • 11:40 – Courses and digital products are the main revenue generators
  • 12:18 – Over 500k people have downloaded the magazine
  • 13:10 – Nathan found his design team on Behance
  • 14:02 – Foundr magazine is an authority-building product rather than a multi-million dollar product
  • 15:00 – The magazine is making in the high six figures in revenue
  • 15:15 – How does Foundr outrank Entrepreneur in the app store?
  • 15:30 – “Look at keywords – the app name and description”
  • 16:27 – ‘A young entrepreneur magazine” – hits multiple keywords
  • 17:25 – Foundr has just started a weekly podcast
  • 17:48 – Had around 70k downloads in April 2016
  • 19:00 – Nathan would take $30 million for Founder magazine
  • 19:58 – Hoping to have a 500k email list by the end of 2016
  • 20:08 – The membership course – Foundr Club – has 400 paying customers
  • 22:13 – The Famous Five

3 Key Points:

  1. Online media isn’t just about publishing content. Build a community, build a list, and work social media for all it’s worth
  2. Optimisation is about paying attention to the small things: Nathan started his app name with ‘A+’ to be at the top of alphabetical listings
  3. Use social media to capture leads, not to push sales

Resources Mentioned:

  • Host Gator – The site Nathan uses to buy his domain names and hosting for cheapest price possible.
  • Freshbooks – The site Nathan uses to manage his invoices and accounts.
  • Leadpages – The drag and drop tool Nathan uses to quickly create his webinar landing pages which convert at 35%+
  • Audible – Nathan uses Audible when he’s driving from Austin to San Antonio (1.5 hour drive) to listen to audio books.
  • Show Notes provided by Mallard Creatives

For an online business, your mailing list is your most prized asset. Though building one may look easy, when you start to actually do it, it can get challenging. Even reaching a small number of 5,000 targeted email subscribers may seem like a distant dream. Which is why marketers look for all possible ways to grow their email list. One of them is social media.

Social media is no longer just about increasing your brand presence, but also for generating leads with the favoured platforms being Facebook and LinkedIn. The new kid on the block in the marketing ecosystem is Instagram. Organizations and individuals are using Instagram for business to grow their influence and audience. Not just for exposure but more leads as well.


(Here are some more experts on how to generate leads with social media)

This post will teach you how to supercharge your lead generation process by using Instagram for business and how to make money on Instagram. To make this article more relatable, I am going to take the example of a case study to back my claims: Foundr Magazine. Foundr’s strategy of using Instagram for business has resulted in hundreds of new customers and thousands of dollars of profits for them.

Why Using Instagram for Business Should Be a Part of Your Marketing Strategy?

Instagram has fast become one of the most prominent social media platforms. A major chunk of the active subscribers belong to the generation we term as millennials.

With this kind of solid facts, it is hard to ignore the platform, and you need to start using Instagram for business build a following on it as well. It’s time to include the platform into your marketing strategy.

Bonus:Here are other channels you should focus upon for B2B lead generation.

How Foundr did it:

Foundr has a huge email list (more than 100,000 subscribers), and using Instagram for business was a big driver for them to reach this milestone.

Foundr was able to grow their Instagram following from 0-400,000 in just 11 months

Yes, you read that right in just 11 months! How did they accomplish this through Instagram?

The Image:

To create a successful lead generating funnel you need to drive your audience to take the action that you desire. Over here, we want them to subscribe to our email list. Foundr crafted a great strategy for this. They knew they needed to create content that actually converts. They focused on “Images with Quotes.” Why? You might think. Simply because it provides instant value. People read the quotes, and they relate to them as it makes them feel good. Also, since Foundr is in a niche, their quotes were a reflection of that, and hence the brand became easier to identify with.

They also focused on the design aspect. Instead of creating normal looking images, they used psychological hacks. Images which grabs attention while providing the desired value in return. Such images make people stop while scrolling and actually engage with the pictures.


Protip: No need to be daunted about creating similar images and worrying about hiring a designer. There are many free tools available online. I recommend Canva, Wordswag, Typorama, and Pablo by Buffer.

Now you might be thinking of replicating the same process for yourself right. Don’t do that. You need to first understand and decide on what kind of images will be most accepted by your audience.

The CTA:

You might now think that you just need to create a bunch of images and you are followers will keep increasing. However, that would count for too much wishful thinking. It may work to a certain extent, but to truly utilize and maximize the effect of your Instagram marketing you need to be smarter than that. Without a “Call to Action”, you will just be increasing your follower base, now your customers.

In the case of Foundr, a CTA did not make sense, so they decided to use the caption field. As Instagram only allows 2-3 line of content in the caption, you need to make the caption catchy enough to make the user click on the ‘Read more’ button. Foundr did exactly that to great effect. One of the things that worked for them is to use the line “Double tap if you agree” or “Tag a friend” in their caption. Now if you don’t give this choice to your audience they will just scroll to the other picture, but when you give them a choice, there will be a percentage of people who will take that action.

The Bio:

The challenge, however, is getting people into your sales funnel. Unfortunately, Instagram does not allow you to add links in the caption or comments. The only place you can add links is in the bio. So your audience needs to go all the way to your profile and click the link in your bio. Now, why would anyone take the trouble of doing multiple actions?

Well, this is the tough part. You need to sell your idea, and you need to be an amazing salesman for this.

In your caption create the curiosity and urgency for people to check out your bio and hence click on the link and enter your sales funnel. See how Foundr is doing this.

Now your Bio is crucial, and what you write there is insanely important. Here are few tips that will help you.

  1. Be concise – Don’t write a story rather only what describes your brands in few words
  2. Use Emojis – Yes they do help. Using a Hand emoji to drive people to click on your bio link helps
  3. Use shorter a good looking URLs – For this, you can use or PrettyLink plugin if you are on WordPress
  4. A call to action giving people a reason to click on your Bio. A Free Guide or Free trial etc

Here are some more examples for inspiration.

The landing page:

What is sales funnel without a landing page, right? Till now you have created and optimized your Instagram account, you have an amazing bio and people are even clicking on the same. Now you need to create an amazing Landing page to go with it.

Found Drivers License What To Do

Now if I go into the semantics of how to create a high-converting landing page then I will have to write one more post. So I will mention the best tips that you can use.

Foundry Drive

  1. Lesser the actions, better the conversion
  2. Optimized for mobile – Remember it is Instagram so people will be coming from mobile phones, so if your page is not optimized for mobile then forget conversions.
  3. Simple and minimal design
  4. An outcome-driven headline- The headline is very important so make sure the bait you were offering in your bio aligns with the headline of the landing page. If there is a variation in this you will see a drop in your conversion rate.

This is how Foundr is doing an amazing job with their landing pages.

This is a landing page for a course that they are selling in partnership with another brand (the one that was active while I was writing the article).

The lesson you can take from here is that by offering something that is insanely valuable with actionable advice, you can drive your opt-in rate really high. Foundr has got a conversion rate of a whopping 70% (I know! I’m still in shock too).

Now that you have set up a funnel for your visitors, the next step is to increase traffic to your posts.

Also, here’s a bulletproof Instagram marketing strategy for your e-commerce business.

Ways to increase your Instagram followers:

Here are some best practices that you can follow:

Connecting already established influencers:

Try leaving high-quality comments in the posts of influencers in your industry. Instead of cliche comments like “Nice” or “Good post”, try to respond with something long and meaningful that adds more value. This will get attention and makes you stand out. Provide value before you expect it in return.

Use popular hashtags:

Studies reveal that Instagram posts with at least one hashtag average 12.6% more engagement than those without. So research on the most popular and relevant hashtags in your audience group and try to use those along with your posts.

Try running contests:

Foundr Driver

Contests are a good way to engage people on Instagram. You can always cross promote your contests on your other platforms and cajole them to follow you on Instagram.

Found Driver's License California

Foundr Driver

Shout for shout (S4S):

An increasingly popular strategy on Instagram for business, it means that two people will give a shout out to each other on their Instagram accounts by sharing the others posts or videos. Even if one big influencer gives you a shout out, this could mean a lot for your follower count.

Now, there are a few things to keep in mind before using this strategy. You can either use KIK or Instagram messages to look for S4S. If the other account has a similar number of followers, then you can do one S4S each. But if the account is much larger you can offer to do 3-4 shout outs in exchange for one. You can also pay for shout outs if you are willing to.

I hope this was helpful to you in terms of using Instagram for business to generate leads. Do you have any ideas I may have missed out on? Please let me know in the comments below!

Foundry Drivers Ed

(Learn more about how to generate leads for your business)

Foundry Drivers License Center

Also, here are Top 10 Examples of B2B Companies on Instagram in 2017.