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&Turn next line into keywords
+Add another line of keywords
0SCFRead in data, then stop
1ELECTRONPrint final one-electron matrix
1SCFDo one scf and then stop
ADD-HAdd hydrogen atoms (intended for use with organic compounds)
A0Input geometry is in atomic units
AIDERRead in ab-initio derivatives
AIGINGeometry must be in gaussian format
AIGOUTIn arc file, include ab-initio geometry
ALLBONDSPrint final bond-order matrix, including bonds to hydrogen
ALLVECPrint all vectors (keywords vectors also needed)
ALT_A=AIn PDB files with alternative atoms, select atoms A
ALT_R=AIn PDB files with alternative residues, select residues A
ANGSTROMSInput geometry is in Angstroms
AUTOSYMSymmetry to be imposed automatically
AUXOutput auxiliary information for use by other programs
AM1Use the AM1 hamiltonian
BAR=n.nnreduce bar length by a maximum of n.nn%
BCC (Unique)Solid is body-centered cubic (used by BZ)
BFGSOptimize geometries using bfgs procedure
BIGCYCLES=nDo a maximum of n big steps
BIRADICALSystem has two unpaired electrons
BONDSPrint final bond-order matrix
BZGenerate a file for use by program BZ
CAMPUse Camp-King converger in SCF
CARTABPrint point-group character table
A multi-electron configuration interaction specified
CHAINS(text)In a protein, explicitely define the letters of chains.
CHECKReport possible faults in input geometry
CHARGE=nCharge on system = n (e.g. NH4 = +1)
CHARGESPrint net charge on system, and all charges in the system
CHARSTPrint details of working in CHARST
CISC.I. uses 1 electron excitations only
CISDC.I. uses 1 and electron excitations
CISDTC.I. uses 1, 2 and 3 electron excitations
COMPFGPrint heat of formation calculated in COMPFG
COSCCHAdd in COSMO charge corrections
COSWRTWrite details of the solvent accessible surface to a file
CUTOFP=n.nnMadelung distance cutoff is n .nn Angstroms
CUTOFF=n.nnIn MOZYME, the interatomic distance where the NDDO approximation stops
CYCLES=nDo a maximum of n steps
CVBIn MOZYME. add and remove specific bonds to allow a Lewis or PDB structure.
DAMP=n.nnn MOZYME. damp SCF oscillations using a factor of n.nn
Input data set is re-defined to text
DCARTPrint part of working in DCART
DDMAX=n.nnSee EF code
DDMIN=n.nnMinimum trust radius in a EF/TS calculation
DEBUGDebug option turned on
DEBUG PULAYPrint working in PULAY
DENOUT, DENOUTFDensity matrix output
DENSITYPrint final density matrix
DERI1Print part of working in DERI1
DERI2Print part of working in DERI2
DERITRPrint part of working in DERIT
DERIVPrint part of working in DERIV
DERNVOPrint part of working in DERNVO
DFORCEForce calculation specified, also print force matrix.
DFPUse Davidson-Fletcher-Powell method to optimize geometries
DISEX=n.nnDistance for interactions in fine grid in COSMO
DISPPrint the hydrogen bonding and dispersion contributions to the heat of formation
DMAX=n.nnMaximum stepsize in eigenvector following
DOUBLETDoublet state required
Dynamic reaction coordinate calculation
DUMP=nn.nnWrite restart files every n seconds
ECHOData are echoed back before calculation starts
EFUse ef routine for minimum search
EIGENPrint canonical eigenvectors instead of LMOs in MOZYME calculations
EIGSPrint all eigenvalues in ITER
ENPARTPartition energy into components
EPS=n.nnDielectric constant in COSMO calculation
ESPElectrostatic potential calculation
ESPRSTRestart of electrostatic potential
ESRCalculate RHF spin density
EXCITEDOptimize first excited singlet state
EXTERNAL=nameRead parameters off disk
FIELD=(n.nn,,l.ll)An external electric field is to be used
FILL=nIn RHF open and closed shell, force M.O. n to be filled
FLEPOPrint details of geometry optimization
FMATPrint details of working in FMAT
FOCKPrint last Fock matrix
FREQCYPrint symmetrized Hessian in a FORCE calculation
FORCE, FORCETSCalculate vibrational frequencies
GEO-OKOverride some safety checks
Use native structure as reference
GNORM=n.nnExit when gradient norm drops below n .n kcal/mol/Angstrom
GRADIENTSPrint all gradients
GRAPHGenerate unformatted file for graphics
GRAPHFGenerate formatted file for graphics suitable for Jmol and MOPETE.
HCOREPrint all parameters used, the one-electron matrix, and two-electron integrals
HESSIANPrint Hessian from geometry optimization
HESS=nOptions for calculating Hessian matrices in EF
Heat of formation takes priority in DRC
HTMLWrite a web-page for displaying and editing a protein
HYPERFINEHyperfine coupling constants to be calculated
INTMake all coordinates internal coordinates
INVERTReverse all optimization flags
IONIZEDo not use – use SITE=(IONIZE) instead
Intrinsic reaction coordinate calculation
ISOTOPEForce matrix written to disk (channel 9 )
ITERPrint details of working in ITER
ITRY=nnSet limit of number of SCF iterations to n
IUPD=nMode of Hessian update in eigenvector following
KINETIC=n.nnnExcess kinetic energy added to DRC calculation
KINGUse Camp-King converger for SCF
LARGEPrint expanded output
LBFGSUse the low-memory version of the BFGS optimizer
LETOverride certain safety checks
LEWISPrint the Lewis structure
LINMINPrint details of line minimization
LOCALIZEPrint localized orbitals. These are also called Natural Bond Orbitals or NBO
LOCATE-TSGiven reactants and products, locate the transition state connecting them
LOGGenerate a log file
MECIPrint details of MECI calculation
MERS=(n1,n2,n3)Keyword for BZ
METAL=(a[,b[,c[…]]])Make specified atoms 100% ionic
MICROS=nUse specific microstates in the C.I.
MINMEPMinimize MEP minima in the plane defined
MMOKUse molecular mechanics correction to CONH bonds
MNDOUse the MNDO hamiltonian
MNDODUse the MNDO-d hamiltonian
MODE=nIn EF, follow Hessian mode no. n
MOL_QMMMIncorporate environmental effects in the QM/MM approach
MOLDATPrint details of working in MOLDAT
MOLSYMPrint details of working in MOLSYM
MOPACUse old MOPAC definition for 2nd and 3rd atoms
MOZYMEUse the Localized Molecular Orbital method to speed up the SCF
MS=nIn MECI, magnetic component of spin
MULLIKPrint the Mulliken population analysis
N**2In excited state COSMO calculations, set the value of N**2
NLLSQMinimize gradients using NLLSQ
NOANCIDo not use analytical C.I. derivatives
NOGPUDo not use GPU acceleration
NOLOGSuppress log file trail, where possible
NOMMDo not use molecular mechanics correction to CONH bonds
NONETNONET state required
NONRDo not use Newton-Raphson method in EF
NOOPT, NOOPT-XDo not optimize the coordinates of all atoms of type X
NOREORIn symmetry work, use supplied orientation
NORESEQSuppress the default re-sequencing of atoms to the PDB sequence
NOSWAPDo not allow atom swapping when GEO_REF is used
NOSYMPoint-group symmetry set to C1
NOTHIELDo not use Thiel’s FSTMIN technique
NOTXTRemove any text from atom symbols
NOXYZDo not print Cartesian coordinates
NSPA=nSets number of geometric segments in COSMO
NSURFNumber of surfaces in an ESP calculation
OCTETOctet state required
OLDCAVIn COSMO, use the old Solvent Accessible Surface calculation
OLDENSRead initial density matrix off disk
OLDFPCUse the old fundamental physical constants
OLDGEOPrevious geometry to be used
OMIN=n.nnIn TS, minimum allowed overlap of eigenvectors
OPEN(n1,n2)Open-shell UHF or RHF calculation requested
OPT, OPT-XOptimize the coordinates of all atoms of type X
P=n.nnAn applied pressure of n.nn Newtons/m2 to be used
PDBInput geometry is in protein data bank format
PDB=(text)User defined chemical symbols in protein data base
PDBOUTOutput geometry in pdb format
PECIC.I. involves paired excitations only
PIResolve density matrix into σ, π, and δ components
pKaPrint the pKa for ionizable hydrogen atoms attached to oxygen atoms
PLMonitor convergence of density matrix in ITER
PM3Use the MNDO-PM3 Hamiltonian
PM6Use the PM6 Hamiltonian
PM6-D3Use the PM6 Hamiltonian with Grimme’s corrections for dispersion
PM6-DH+Use the PM6 Hamiltonian with corrections for dispersion and hydrogen-bonding
PM6-DH2Use the PM6 Hamiltonian with corrections for dispersion and hydrogen-bonding
PM6-DH2XUse PM6 with corrections for dispersion and hydrogen and halogen bonding
PM6-D3H4Use PM6 with Řezáč and Hobza’s D3H4 correction
PM6-D3H4XUse PM6 with Brahmkshatriya, et al.’s D3H4X correction
PMEPComplete semiempirical MEP calculation
PM7Use the PM7 Hamiltonian
PM7-TSUse the PM7-TS Hamiltonian (only for barrier heights)
PMEPRComplete semiempirical MEP in a plane to be defined
POINT=nNumber of points in reaction path
POINT1=nNumber of points in first direction in grid calculation
POINT2=nNumber of points in second direction in grid calculation
POLARCalculate first, second and third order polarizabilities
POTWRTIn ESP, write out electrostatic potential to unit 21
POWSQPrint details of working in POWSQ
PRECISECriteria to be increased by 100 times
PRESSUREApply pressure or tension to a solid or polymer
PRNT=nPrint details of geometry optimization in EF
PRTCHARPrint charges in ARC file
PRTINTPrint interatomic distances
PRTMEPMEP contour data output to <filename>.mep
PRTXYZPrint Cartesian coordinates
PULAYUse Pulay’s converger to obtain a SCF
QMMMIncorporate environmental effects in the QM/MM approach
QPMEPCharges derived from Wang-Ford type AM1 MEP
QUARTETQuartet state required
QUINTETQuintet state required
RAPIDIn MOZYME geometry optimizations, only use atoms being optimized in the SCF
RECALC=nIn EF, recalculate Hessian every n steps
RE-LOCAL, RE-LOCAL=nDuring and at end of MOZYME calculation, re-localize the LMOs
RELSCFDefault SCF criterion multiplied by n
REORTHOGIn MOZYME, re-orthogonalize LMO’s each 10 SCF calculations.
RESEQRe-arrange the atoms to match the PDB convention
RESIDUESLabel each atom in a polypeptide with the amino acid residue
RESTARTCalculation restarted
RHFUse Restricted Hartree-Fock methods
RM1Use the RM1 Hamiltonian
RMAX=n.nnIn TS, maximum allowed ratio for energy change
RMIN=n.nnIn TS, minimum allowed ratio for energy change
ROOT=nRoot n to be optimized in a C.I. calculation
RSCALIn EF, scale p-RFO to trust radius
RSOLV=n.nnEffective radius of solvent in COSMO
SADDLEOptimize transition state
SCALEScaling factor for van der waals distance in ESP
SCFCRT=n.nnDefault SCF criterion replaced by the value supplied
SCINCR=n.nnIncrement between layers in ESP
SEPTETSeptet state required
SETPIIn MOZYME, some π bonds are explicitly set by the user
SETUPExtra keywords to be read from setup file
SEXTETSextet state required
SHIFT=n.nna damping factor of n defined to start SCF
SHUT <file>Send a command to MOPAC to make a restart and density file, then stop.
SIGMAMinimize gradients using SIGMA
SINGLETSinglet state required
SITE=(text)Define ionization state of residues in proteins
SLOG=n.nnIn BFGS optimization, use fixed step of length n .nn
SLOPEMultiplier used to scale MNDO charges
SMOOTHIn a GRID calculation, remove artifacts caused by the order in which points are calculated
SNAPIncrease precision of symmetry angles
SPARKLEUse sparkles instead of atoms with basis sets
SPINPrint final UHF spin matrix
START_RES(text)Define starting residue numbers in a protein, if different from the default
STATICCalculate Polarizability using electric fields
STEPStep size in path
STEP1=n.nnnStep size n for first coordinate in grid calculation
STEP2=n.nnnStep size n for second coordinate in grid calculation
STO3GDeorthogonalize orbitals in STO-3G basis
SUPERPrint superdelocalizabilities
SWAPThis keyword is now obsolete, see NOSWAP
SYBYLOutput a file for use by Tripos’s SYBYL program
SYMAVGAverage symmetry equivalent ESP charges
SYMOIRPrint characters of eigenvectors and print number of I.R.s
SYMTRZPrint details of working in subroutine SYMTRZ.
SYMMETRYImpose symmetry conditions
T=n[M,H,D]A time of n seconds requested
Perform a thermodynamics calculation
THREADS=nSet the number of threads to be used in parallelization to n
TIMESPrint times of various stages
Time takes priority in DRC
The system is a transition state (used in thermodynamics calculation)
TRIPLETTriplet state required
TSUsing EF routine for TS search
UHFUse the Unrestricted Hartree-Fock method
VDW(text)Van der waals radius for atoms in COSMO defined by user
VDWM(text)Van der waals radius for atoms in MOZYME defined by user
VECTORSPrint final eigenvectors
VELOCITYSupply the initial velocity vector in a DRC calculation
WILLIAMSUse Williams surface
X-PRIORITY=n.nnGeometry changes take priority in DRC
XENOAllow non-standard residues in proteins to be labeled.
XYZDo all geometric operations in Cartesian coordinates
Number of mers in a cluster